BigFix will review your request, verify the parameters, and send you an email containing a certificate file that will allow you to use BES (the license will usually be returned within 24 hours). The license will be returned to you as an email attachment with the file "license.crt" file in a "" file. If your email server blocks these types of attachments or if you haven't received your license after 24 hours, please contact BigFix technical support for more information.
Import License / Create Masthead
After you receive your certificate file from BigFix, run the BES installer again.
Choose "I want to install with a production license I already have" when prompted.
Choose the certificate file, license.crt, that was sent to you from BigFix (Note: Certain versions of Microsoft Outlook will not allow attachments that end in .crt. In order to avoid this problem, BigFix will send back a file called that contains the license.crt file. This file can be extracted by WinZip or any other zip program.)
Choose the license.pvk file in the site credential folder that was created in step 8 above.
Choose the action site parameters as directed. (If you are unsure of the parameters, use the defaults.)
Type in your site credentials password created in step 7 above.
Save your masthead file in the site credentials folder.
Choose the folder to install the BES component installers. Note that this step will create the installers for the BES Client, BES Console, and BES Server, but will not actually install the components.
The BES Installation Guide will now be launched to lead you through the installation of the BES components.